Monday, January 05, 2009

Disc Golf Putting Diagram

I've picked up Disc Golf again this winter, and thanks to my lovely wife's patience and the local club. I have found myself on the course more this winter than I have been in years.

However, one of the first things I noticed when starting up again was that I am a terribly inconsistent putter. I have been frustrated especially due to hitting the front of the basket *way* too often.

That said I didn't really have any data to prove to myself that this was happening more than the rest of my missed putts... perhaps it was simply the most frustrating and memorable. I put together (and attached) this "putting diagram" that I'm going to print a set of for each round.

Has anyone else used something like this to good effect when practicing or playing disc golf or any other sport? If so, post in the comments.

1 comment:

amypfan said...

Lovely wife--and don't you forget it! :)